Hufford Family: A Jerusalem Mill Family Session

There are not enough kind, sweet, or funny things I could say about this family, because they are all of these traits and more! Each time we schedule a family session, I know I can count on fun times had by all, and adorable pictures that somehow still do not do justice to these two adorable little boys! This year we met at Jerusalem Mill to do a little exploring, and while there weren’t as many golden leaves as we had hoped, the cute little spots and laughter that ensued did not disappoint! I can’t believe how much these kiddos have grown over the years that I have had the pleasure to work with the Hufford family, and I look forward to seeing how their little personalities grow and develop each time I am lucky enough to spend a day hanging out with them!


 The boys were promised that for each time they followed directions, that got to do a silly photo too!

Grass mustaches for the win!

As always, thanks Hufford family for a great day!



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